Free eWorkbook Download!

A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) inspired workbook. For those who are looking for a practical approach and want to understand anxiety, explore and overcome their anxious feelings of overwhelm and insecurity.

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    Limiting Beliefs

    We perceive the world based on the beliefs that we have. We have learned our beliefs through many different means through our experiences like in school, close relationships, family dynamics, culture, etc. You will identify your negative limiting beliefs in this eWorkbook.

    Behaviours, Thoughts, and Feelings

    Our behaviours, thoughts, and feelings are all interconnected. We have a list of cognitive distortions (self-defeating ways of thinking) that can promote feelings of anxiety, and feelings of anxiety can cause more anxious thoughts, and lead to short-term unhealthy behaviours in attempts to get rid of the feelings and thoughts.

    Empowering Challenges

    "The best way out is always through"

    -Robert Frost

    You will identify events and situations that trigger feelings of anxiety and you will learn a guided step-by-step approach to overcome these anxiety-provoking events starting with the smaller ones and working your way up. You will begin to challenge those limiting beliefs and thoughts through action.